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Michael Gott loves to quote D. L. Moody, the famous evangelist of the mid-1800’s. Moody said for much of his early life he tried to do the “work of ten men,” but now he felt his responsibility was to allow “ten men to work.”

Our directors openly state our purpose: We reach out to you. The Michael Gott Evangelistic Association is dedicated to the advancement of world evangelization. We long to stimulate global evangelism by working with Christian leaders from around the world. We cooperate in order to provide opportunities for service, developing effective strategies, and skills for communicating the Gospel.

We know that today as never before there needs to be cooperation, networking and planning, as well as doing the work of the evangelist. Our present involvement with English language evangelism events in places like Cuba, nations in the Moslem world, and throughout Eastern Europe are all part of that creative and strategic effort to reach as many as possible as quickly as possible.

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​Michael Gott International is a non-profit association totally committed to communicating to as many people as possible how the good news of Jesus Christ can revolutionize any life. Michael and Jan Gott believe that the sharing of this good news - evangelism - is the wonderful activity of God's love expressed through God's people producing a purposeful and continual attempt to lead others to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and encouraging all to serve Him as a lifetime commitment.

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