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Writer's pictureMichael Gott


“And Christ became a human being and lived here on earth among us and was full of loving forgiveness and truth. And some … have seen his glory—the glory of the only Son of the heavenly Father!” John 1:14, Living Bible

Let’s join together to behold the glory of Christ.  His was everlasting in character, saving in grace, blessed in purpose, and loving in expression, and “some … have seen his glory.”  How do we become in that number of the “some … have seen his glory”?

We see the glory of His person.  We have no doubt about who He was and is now.  The “very God of very God.”  Christ took off His crown in heaven that we might someday wear one!  He removed His royal robe to wear human rags that He might purchase a glorious one for us!  He left heaven for a time that we might escape hell for eternity!  He fasted for forty days that we might feast for all eternity.  He died in pain that we might live in paradise!

So that, we say to the world with total confidence, if anyone desires to know what God has to say to them, discover who Christ is and listen to what Christ says.  And like millions before you, the promise is that the more you think about Christ, the more you will think of Him!  And, the less anyone will be with a typically superficial assessment of Him.

Jesus Christ, see Him as wonderful, see Him as more than wonderful.  Christ, oh see Him as always wonderful and in His glory a wonder beyond all wonderful.  We stand in awe seeing glory beyond human words.  Let Scripture say it, “Christ … who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen.” (Romans 9:5)

We see the glory of His purpose.  It was to love the unlovable, the wicked and worthless.  His purpose was to love humanity all the way to the cross and then on the cross to love us beyond the very word love.  It was His purpose to “lay down his life”—so we see willing self-sacrifice as in His purpose.  He was despised, rejected, and afflicted and then obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.  His purpose was to be fully obedient, and He was, for us to then delight in His humility.  In it is forever such an unbelievable love displayed.

Someone skillfully has said, “Christ is our hope of glory and the glory of our hope.”  So that, we are never in error before God for giving too much praise to the Son of God.  The Lord God, the Father loves to hear Him praised by human lips.  It is impossible to think too much of Christ or to say too much about Christ, so behold His glory!

And we do behold His glory, not only in His person, His purpose, but His final presence, for “this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.” (Acts 1:11)  John said in the Bible’s last book, “Give to him everlasting glory!” (Revelation 1:6, TLB)  For soon and very soon, “See! He is arriving, surrounded by clouds; and every eye shall see him—yes, and those who pierced him … Yes! Amen! Let it be so!” (Revelation 1:7, TLB)

There will be a grand and glorious final triumph.  By faith we see it after reading and reflecting in these words.  He comes leading captivity captive, and the gates of glory thrown open as angels together say:

“Open up, O ancient gates, and let the King of Glory in. Who is this King of Glory? The Lord, strong and mighty, invincible in battle. Yes, open wide the gates and let the King of Glory in.” Psalm 24:7-9 Living Bible

Yes, His final triumph awaits us and leaves the world in awe of His greatness and glory.  Allow me to fully quote C. H. Spurgeon.  Thinking about this climactic moment to come, the moment of God’s glory and power fully revealed, he prayed this prayer before thousands:

“Come forth, O Jesus, heaven obeys thee, earth shaken at thy presence, hell trembles at thee, devils are dismayed. Come forth, put thine arrow to the string, and lift up thy glittering spear. Who, who shall stay thy course, or in thy presence stand? Like chaff before the wind, so shall they be driven, and as stubble before the flame, so shall they be utterly consumed.”

The universe at that time of final glory and splendor shall reel—unable to bear it—the final triumph.

And in that final moment, God’s own shall see the end when the Lord Jesus shall come, the glory and grandeur of God and the last word of the whole of human history shall be one great shout:

Hallelujah!  Christ in God,
God in Christ in all in all!

At this moment, as you read, gladly give yourself to beholding His glory.  Realize that Jesus is now related to our world; he is alive!  He is not just the Jesus of ancient history but our history.  He is fully able to meet your needs plus all human needs, no matter what those needs are.  Jesus is Lord of all forever!  When we encounter Christ, He is the living Christ, so we touch eternal reality.  Give Him heart praise for giving all believers a sense of value and personal significance.  He is the personal assurance that we are loved by God.  He tells you and me our sins and past failures are forever forgiven by Him, the Lord who embraces us in mercy.

And think of those formidable words, “principalities and powers in high places,” He puts them all under His nail-scarred feet.  He gives us a strong sense of belonging and citizenship in God’s kingdom.  It’s His gift to us.  Give Him glory for He has found a place for you and He has given meaning not only to you but those you love.  Thank Him that He now challenges us all to move outside of the potential prison of selfishness into the nasty world and give His love away.  After all, that is life!  And beyond all that, lift up your eyes and see again His coming glory in another way.  He is surely going to return and you will be in the celebration as He ushers in the glorious climax to all history in the kingdom come.

The Puritan pastor Thomas Brooks once commented, “Christ is the most sparkling diamond in the ring of glory.”  Let’s then say, unless our vision of the glory of Christ is as large and magnificent as it can possibly be, then we are as small and insignificant as we can possibly be!

The greatest issue in my life and yours is to remember the words of the saints of the past and then repeat them over and over as I have tried to do, “You cannot give too much honor to Jesus Christ or praise Him too much.”  Also, let your lips actually repeat these words, “Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory” (Psalm 115:1).  Then let’s repeat His name aloud, “… confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (Philippians 2:11)  Celebrate the glory of Jesus Christ, beholding Him by faith.  Tell Him again that He is “far above … every name that is named” (Ephesians 1:21).  Finally, recall again C. H. Spurgeon’s words, “Everything is a trifle to a man who is a Christian except the glorifying of Christ.”  When you have repeated and rehearsed all this over and again, it will not be nearly enough.  For we, in fact, will be saying it in His presence forever and ever.  “… Blessing and honor and glory and power be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever!” (Revelation 5:13)

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